Saturday, September 13, 2008

Wash my what

Today I decided it was about time for my annual car wash. So I trudged out to the street, bucket in hand, and gave my poor, neglected Oldsmobile a little TLC. I must say, I did a pretty respectable job. But as I was finishing up with the final rinse, an SUV drove by, and the vehicle's occupant felt compelled to call out the window what I think was, "Wash my dick."

Now, I can't be 100 percent convinced, but that's what it sounded like. I mean, I'd like to think that I misunderstood this fellow, and that he is in no need of assistance in cleaning his genitals, but sadly, I'm pretty sure that I heard correctly.

Does this make sense to anyone? Either this man's dick is in such dire need of washing that he has resorted to ordering strangers on the street to wash it, OR, his dick is sufficiently clean, but upon seeing a girl with a bucket, made the split-second decision to say something, and that's the first thing that came to mind. "She's washing her car. What do I do, what do I do? ...Wash my dick! Yes! That's it!"

I find this strange. How does he even know that I have any dick-washing experience? I would have to imagine that it's considerably different from washing a car.

In other news, I got engaged last week.



Blogger Jessica said...

hey if you're looking for someone with dick washing experience, I know a guy. (me. and if we're being honest I'm not a guy... anymore.)

11:12 PM  

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