Wednesday, May 07, 2008

The Baskin Robbins saga continues

Actually, I guess it's not really a saga. Yet.

But I did get a reply from the corporate headquarters of Baskin Robbins (Dunkin' Brands) in regards to my craptastic smoothie experience.

Their response to my strongly worded letter? 6 dollars worth of Baskin Robbins Bucks or some such nonsense. I think they missed my point. 6 dollars of fake pink money that can only be used at Baskin Robbins is not really appropriate compensation for wasting actual real money on their toxic smoothie sludge.

If they wanted to send me a Jamba Juice gift card or even a bottle of V8 Splash instead of actual money, that would be ok (and refreshing), although, I realize, not very likely. But forcing me to relive the terrible and disappointing experience of going to a Baskin Robbins is a slap in the face, I tell you! I don't want more Baskin Robbins - I want 5 dollars that can be used for good rather than their evil brand of grossness.

I think I may write them another letter to clear this up.


Blogger Dan said...

Hi! Just wanted to say I enjoy reading your blog. It's quite amusing.
- a friend of Brian's

11:25 AM  

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