Monday, April 14, 2008

Fighting back

I'm not much of a fighter. And holding a grudge really requires a lot more dedication than I can usually muster up. But yesterday, a really terrible smoothie inspired me to get back to my roots and write a letter of complaint. So watch out, Baskin Robbins, for you will feel my mild wrath. Nobody charges me (or Pat, rather) $4.69 for a small Fruit Blast made with tainted mango concentrate, and gets away with it.

The point is, if you're going to Baskin Robbins (which I don't recommend beacuse their sundaes contain approximately 8 bagillion calories and 900 grams of fat), don't get a smoothie. Even if it's insanely hot and your insides are burning and you just want something cold and fruity.

Anyways, I was just riled enough to go home and write a letter of complaint. Maybe it was the injustice, or maybe I was suffering from heat stroke, I don't know. But I wrote a letter and it's going in the mail today. Unfortunately, I only made it halfway through my letter to Kellogg's about the new packaging for Corn Pops, before returning to my normal apathetic state. (By the way, does anyone else know what I'm talking about? Corn Pops used to have the most awesome durable foil-lined bag and they finally replaced it with a much less awesome one. I tried to explain the bag tragedy to someone at work today and they said, "What are Corn Pops?") (And yes, my life is this sad.)

I'll let you know when I get a response from BR.


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