Monday, July 24, 2006

Autistic? More like awesome-tistic (it rocks)

Today, while at work, of course, I've come to several conclusions: 1) I'm very hungry and my lunch is trapped in the conference room. 2) The saltine crackers from Wendy's that i found in the condiment drawer do not a satisfying lunch make. 3) I am autistic.
While doing a little research on this very current and therefore sexy disorder, I wondered if it is possble that I have gone undiagnosed for 22 years. Just take a look at this description of symptoms and think of me - the similarities are scary.

"Some children with autism develop troublesome fixations with specific objects, which can lead to unhealthy or dangerous behaviors. For example, one child insists on carrying feces from the bathroom into her classroom. Other behaviors are simply startling, humorous, or embarrassing to those around them. One girl, obsessed with digital watches, grabs the arms of strangers to look at their wrists.

For unexplained reasons, people with autism demand consistency in their environment. Many insist on eating the same foods, at the same time, sitting at precisely the same place at the table every day. They may get furious if a picture is tilted on the wall, or wildly upset if their toothbrush has been moved even slightly. A minor change in their routine, like taking a different route to school, may be tremendously upsetting. "

I admit, I am fascinated with feces (who isn't?), but I'm happy to report that I usually leave it be. On the other hand, I can't begin to tell you how much I demand consistency in my environment. There is only one stall that I can use in the resrtroom at work and when Pat does not close the cereal box by inserting the cardboard tab into the punch-out slot, I get very angry. I drink Green Tea Super-Antioxidant out of the same thermos every morning from exactly 8:30 to 9:30, filling the cup 1/3 of the way every ten minutes.

"In some people, the senses are even scrambled. One child gags when she feels a certain texture. A man with autism hears a sound when someone touches a point on his chin. Another experiences certain sounds as colors."

Sometimes I can't sleep because my clothes are making my skin crawl. And don't even get me started on the feeling of wooden spoons or popsicle sticks.
And if you need any more proof of my affliction, in sixth grade when I was in a summer production of School House Rock! the director told me "Stop rocking - you look like Rainman."
So there. Now I can join the host of trendy mentally diseased Americans.


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