Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I don't get ads

I have something on my mind and it's been bothering me for some time, so buckle up.

Now, I think it's pretty evident from the majority of my posts that I watch too much woman-centric daytime television. So you'll have to forgive me if you've never seen the incessant commercials for Glade scented candles. But I see them all the time. Mainly when watching The View. And they infuriate me every time.

Let me explain. They all revolve around a woman trying to conceal the fact that her air-freshening candle/plug-in air freshener is actually made by Glade. So, for instance, a group of women arrive at her home and say "Ohhh, it smells great in here! What is that lovely scent?" And the first woman replies in a very obvious lie, something like, "Oh, it's just this candle I picked up at this French boutique." But she is caught in her lie when it is discovered that she has peeled the Glade label off the candle and it is stuck to the back of her dress!

Her friends then point it out and say something witty like, "Oh, you mean Glah-day (pronouncing Glade with a French accent)?" And they all laugh and the first woman is horribly embarassed.

My GOD. I mean, I know this is a bad commercial, but it really gets me thinking. Is there such a thing as a French candle boutique? I've bought many a scented candle in my day, and not once did I ever consider that there was a much higher-end candle out there, but that I had to settle for the cheap discount store variety. Candles are cheap! I'll tell you right now, I buy candles from Target all the time, and I'm not ashamed.

No one buys candles from a "boutique." The classiest place I can imagine a person buying a candle is perhaps a Pottery Barn or something. Why is this woman so ashamed to buy a Glade candle in the first place? I just don't understand. And why is anyone friends with this pretentious lying candle snob? If you have to pretend that you only buy French boutique candles, I don't want to know you.

There's another very similar iteration of this commercial in which the lying woman has a Glade plug-in and her lady friends all come over to do yoga. First of all, let me just wonder aloud, why is a group of women all going to someone's home to do yoga together? That just doesn't happen. Is this friend a yoga instructor? I don't know. I do know she's a liar, Something isn't right abou this scenario.

But anyways, the ladies are all getting ready to do some serious yoga when one of them comments on the great smell. The yoga party host says "Oh, thanks, it's just this great boutique fragrance - it really helps me plug into my karma."

Then another woman, who is obviously not retarded, spots the Glade plug-in and says "More like a Glade plug-in!"

HAHAHAHAHA. What??! Aside from my original complaint about pretending that you buy everything at a boutique, why in god's name would you use the phrase "plug in" when you're trying to conceal that you have a Glade plug-in? Was it a Freudian slip? Does she want to be caught so she can stop living this ridiculous lie? Someone please explain this to me.

And while we're at it, I'm no yoga expert, but I don't think karma is a part of yoga. These commercials were clearly written by a person who has never owned a candle or done yoga.


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